Senin, 15 April 2013

Whats Your Favorite BLUSH ON?

Heiiihooo blogers..
Are u ready for the make up case??!!
So, yah here it is....
I want to share about my make up collection.
Basically, i dont like to touch up my face with make up things. But, my mom always told me that a girl should  be responsibility with their body from the up to the bottom especially "face". We must care and protect what Allah gave to us. Be a woman is the best thing in this world. Be proud to be woman, hip..hipp..huraaayy!!


For u girls, ready to Shine ur cheek??, so blush your cheek with GIORDANI BLUSH ON By ORIFLAME
Verry recommended !!!
Harganya sekitar dibawah Rp 200.000
Belinya ketika lg edisi diskon aja yaa :p 
Lebih hemat \m/


2 komentar:

  1. Kmrn beli blush on giordani cuma 150rb,,lagi diskon cha soalnyah xoxoxoxo

    1. iya ika, lebih baik beli makeup itu ketika lg ada edisi diskon, heheee ^_^ hemat kan
