Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

How Many Scarf Do U Have ^^

Used to be, i'd love to collecting all about Cow. Like Doll, Mug, milk glass, blanked, bedcover, gift papper (kertas kado), tissue box, shoes, cosmetic bag, pen, etc....

Almost my saving i spend to buy all that stuff. But, after i'am decided to wearing hijab, i like and addicting to buying so many scarf, shawl, and veil. I hope, this things can be my invest in my akhirat latter. xixixiiiii....

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

g a r f i e l d w a s h e r e !!!

R i c i . . . itulah namanya...hobinya makan dan tidur, tipe kucing yang sangat apatis,
gembul, dan pemalas...karakternya gak jauh beda yaa sama si garfield, tokoh kartun kesukaan aku waktu jaman sd, heheeee......