by Esya Bachri
"Hai,Jika kamu merasa lelah akan kehidupanmu dan kecanduan
dengan sosial media yang kamu miliki, maka tulisan ini sangat cocok untuk
we have to admit that social
media is undoubtedly addictive. As milenials generation, living a life without
doing social media seems meaningless, no existence's of ourselves in the
digital world, or out of date and I don't wanna be a conservative person.
Frankly, social media is a crucial part in life and powerful tools to share my writings,
my ideas, my feeling at that time and my works or even to earn money by selling
the products on its apps. Especially Facebook, it has been my life since
2007 (when I enrolled the university life as a student). By utilizing the
social media, we will able to get in touch with our relatives in work,
colleagues, family, and also with the people we loved.
Social media can be a good thing, of course, and I’m not
saying we need to abandon social media for the
good, but too much of a good thing can absolutely be harmful. In this
case, my addictive with social media became worse when I spent my entire life
scrolling down the apps on the phone just want to see what's happening with the
world and what's people's posted on their account. I starting
create the perfection of my life everyday on my feeds. Really, I can not handle
my self surfing the internet all the time and it does happened almost every single
minutes during my activities on the daily basis. Social media is a massive time killer and also succeed me gaining
many followers and friends from others countries and I make a friend with
"virtual friend" or "the people I've never meet into
personally in a real life". Furthermore, I felt like I was living through a screen,
exposing every great moment of myself to an endless stream of selfies, pet
pictures, outfits-of-the-day, celebrity gossip, my community, my organisation,
political chaos, advertising and another fake things I've built to attract
audience by beautifying my feeds. I totally exhausted, trying to diminish my
darkest side on social media, back to my real life which I miss so much and asked my self to purrify my intention, "what I really want to be
in the social media?"
"For the past view months, I just realised that I always
compared my self to others people's achievement or successful even though I
knew it was worth for them.,,"
Firstly, it is essential to know what is social media
detox. Social media detox is a short break from all activities on social media
and diverts itself with other activities. Not only the body that needs detox
from food, it turns out our souls also need to do social media detox for mental
health. Because besides having a positive impact above, social media also has a
negative effect if used excessively. So, are you ready for a social media detox? Social media user
figures continuously grow. As a matter of fact, Researchers reveals about
the average individual spends at least two hours per day browsing their favorite
social media apps and sites. It’s an astounding quantity of time which could be
spent in additional ways, yet it also is indicative of the present business and
social culture.
My thought was, this
is the best time for me to call my self out and aware with my addiction to
social media. After took into account, asking does the social media involve my
self to commit positive things, then my conclusion is social media has brought me to negative
effects and it seems to only boiled me down wasting my time through
distraction on browsing almost all the time. Two months ago, I decided "QUIT"
from my social media and trying this approach to treat my self better for
spiritual reason, mainly to fix my mental health from anxiety,
depression, social comparison cycle and fearless. So I deleted several apps from my
phone such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and all kind of those thing that
leads me to be addict with. I created mini-challenges for my self
like seeing how long I could go without posting any photos, pict, and news, I
even deactivated my profiles.
Trust me, at the first attempt, I was really scared of quitting social media. I thought I would miss out a massive number of important
things if I'm quitingt from social media. But it actually turned out to be the best
choices I've ever made and I really encourage you to do the same thing.
Althought, the biggest discovery I made was myself, the person who had been
behind the screen all along. The platform was never the problem and the problem
was me ― the one who never leaving a day without using Instagram or
logging into Facebook. The phone I owned always in my hold tight and we
never be separated by the time or by the occasion I have at the moment. This is
how my addiction need to be fixed.
After taking social media detox for several months, it has
completely changed my life through some relazations and several activities
such as:
- Reconnected with my real world ( I can act normaly )
- I'm avoid my stress and anxiety by doing my hobbies in reality
- Purifying my intentions to achieve my goals
- I broke the cycle of social comparison
- Improve my mood to read more books (also increased my knowledge)
- I am able to conquer my self on utilizing social media by managing time
- My productivity increased massively
- I can be a good listener for my best friends
- I gained focus and concentration on my duty and study
- Live in the present not past
- I broke my bad habbits like drinking more coffee while I surfing the internet
- I feel refreshing to start my day
- Last but not least, I stop complaining about my messy life :)
"Taking a break from social media frees up time and mental
space you didn't know you'd lost. Doing a social media detox puts you back in
control of how you use these platforms. I won’t be completely quitting social
media and I’m not suggesting anyone do that. But I do hope if you’re reading
this you’ll think about taking a break from social media to see how you feel. I
hope this post beneficial for you :)"
Thank you for writing this article