Senin, 16 Desember 2019


by Esya Bachri

"Hai,Jika kamu merasa lelah akan kehidupanmu dan kecanduan dengan sosial media yang kamu miliki, maka tulisan ini sangat cocok untuk kamu"

Nowadays, we have to admit that social media is undoubtedly addictive. As milenials generation, living a life without doing social media seems meaningless, no existence's of ourselves  in the digital world, or out of date and I don't wanna be a conservative person. Frankly, social media is a crucial part in life and powerful tools to share my writings, my ideas, my feeling at that time and my works or even to earn money by selling the products on its apps. Especially Facebook, it has been my life since 2007 (when I enrolled the university life as a student). By utilizing the social media, we will able to get in touch with our relatives in work, colleagues, family, and also with the people we loved.
Social media can be a good thing, of course, and I’m not saying we need to abandon social media for the good, but too much of a good thing can absolutely be harmful. In this case, my addictive with social media became worse when I spent my entire life scrolling down the apps on the phone just want to see what's happening with the world and what's  people's posted on their account. I  starting create the perfection of my life everyday on my feeds. Really, I can not handle my self  surfing the internet all the time and it does happened almost every single minutes during my activities on the daily basis. Social media is a massive time killer and also succeed me gaining many followers and friends from others countries and I make a friend with "virtual friend" or "the people I've never meet into personally in a real life". Furthermore, I felt like I was living through a screen, exposing every great moment of myself to an endless stream of selfies, pet pictures, outfits-of-the-day, celebrity gossip, my community, my organisation, political chaos, advertising and another fake things I've built to attract audience by beautifying my feeds. I totally exhausted, trying to diminish my darkest side on social media, back to my real life which I miss so much and asked my self to purrify my intention, "what I really want to be in the social media?"

"For the past view months, I just realised that I always compared my self to others people's achievement or successful even though I knew it was worth for them.,,"

Firstly,  it is essential to know what is social media detox. Social media detox is a short break from all activities on social media and diverts itself with other activities. Not only the body that needs detox from food, it turns out our souls also need to do social media detox for mental health. Because besides having a positive impact above, social media also has a negative effect if used excessively. So, are you ready for a social media detox? Social media user figures continuously grow. As a matter of fact, Researchers reveals about  the average individual spends at least two hours per day browsing their favorite social media apps and sites. It’s an astounding quantity of time which could be spent in additional ways, yet it also is indicative of the present business and social culture.
My thought was, this is the best time for me to call my self out and aware with my addiction to social media. After took into account, asking does the social media involve my self to commit positive things, then my conclusion is social media has brought me to negative effects  and it seems to only boiled me down wasting my time through distraction on browsing almost all the time. Two months ago, I decided "QUIT" from my social media and trying this approach to treat my self better for spiritual reason, mainly to fix my mental health from anxiety,  depression, social comparison cycle and fearless. So I deleted several apps from my phone such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and all kind of those thing that leads me to be addict with. I created mini-challenges for my self like seeing how long I could go without posting any photos, pict, and news, I even deactivated my profiles.

Trust me, at the first attempt, I was really scared of quitting social media. I thought I would miss out a massive number of important things if I'm quitingt from social media. But it actually turned out to be the best choices I've ever made and I really encourage you to do the same thing. Althought, the biggest discovery I made was myself, the person who had been behind the screen all along. The platform was never the problem and the problem was me ― the  one who never leaving a day without using Instagram or logging into Facebook. The phone I owned  always in my hold tight and we never be separated by the time or by the occasion I have at the moment. This is how my addiction need to be fixed.

After taking social media detox for several months, it has completely changed my life through some relazations and several activities such as:
  • Reconnected with my real world ( I can act normaly )
  • I'm avoid my stress and anxiety by doing my hobbies in reality
  • Purifying my intentions to achieve my goals
  • I broke the cycle of social comparison
  • Improve my mood to read more books (also increased my knowledge)
  • I am able to conquer my self on utilizing social media by managing time
  • My productivity increased massively
  • I can be a good listener for my best friends
  • I gained focus and concentration on my duty and study
  • Live in the present not past
  • I broke my bad habbits like drinking more coffee while I surfing the internet
  • I feel refreshing to start my day
  • Last but not least, I stop complaining about my messy life :)

"Taking a break from social media frees up time and mental space you didn't know you'd lost. Doing a social media detox puts you back in control of how you use these platforms. I won’t be completely quitting social media and I’m not suggesting anyone do that. But I do hope if you’re reading this you’ll think about taking a break from social media to see how you feel. I hope this post beneficial for you :)"

Sabtu, 14 Desember 2019


Oleh  :  Nuruddin Al Indunissy

Bagi mereka yang terkena gangguan sihir sudah menahun dan dan berobat kesana kemari belum juga sembuh ada baiknya mencoba terapi Albaqarah yang diperkenalkan oleh ustad Nuruddin  dari Rehab Hati seperti dibawah ini. Gangguan sihir dengan target membunuh atau memporak porandakan kehidupan rumah tangga seseorang umumnya tidak akan berhenti sebelum targetnya tercapai, karena itu pengobatannyapun bisa makan waktu sampai beberapa bulan bahkan ada yang tahunan. Mereka yang terkena sihir jenis ini sama seperti seseorang yang terjebak dimedan perang dimana hanya berlaku hukum membunuh atau dibunuh. Kalau kita tidak mau hancur oleh sihir maka kita harus menghancurkan sihir itu . Sihir jenis ini tidak akan berhenti sampai targetnya tercapai. Jika targetnya cukup kuat dan sulit dibunuh  adakalanya sihir itu berbalik menyerang orang yang mengirim atau dukunnya sendiri. Terapi albaqarah yang diperkenalkan Ustad Nurudin sangat ampuh menghadapi sihir tipe ini .  Silahkan mencoba.

Bismillah Ash-sholatu was-salaamu ‘Alaa Rosuulillaah. Banyak jiwa yang hingga saat ini menanti keajaiban, bahkan ada yang mencarinya di-internet dengan penuh keraguan dan harapan tidak menentu. Akankah ada satu metode praktis yang bisa diaplikasikan dirumah untuk menuntaskan semua kecamuk dijiwa dan menyembuhkan penyakitnya tanpa banyak liku dan biaya tinggi?

Jangan Hanya Menunggu, Mari Realisasikan!
Ya, karena al Qur’an itu memang ajaib [mukjizat]. Saat ini ada 1000 orang yang sedang berjuang dalam pembinaan saya dan team RehabHati langsung, berjuta kisah dan limpahan berkah seiring air mata, lelah-kesakitan dan lahirnya tekad dan keyakinan baru yang pasti akan sebuah kesembuhan; Teraphy Al Baqarah [TA], adalah solusi menyeluruh untuk berbagai penyakit gangguan penyakit yang tidak dimengerti kedokteran medis. Apa rahasia keberhasilan ratusan hamba-hamba Allah ini hingga dibanjiri pendaftar di Session 1-4 kemarin?
Teraphy Al Baqarah [TA] memiliki 7 Tahapan atau Kurikulum bimbingan yang secara praktis bisa dilakukan dirumah, dan langsung bekerja memperbaiki dan merestorasi kekuatan ruhani manusia. Setelah ruhani sembuh, maka perlahan jasadnya sembuh.


Diantara faedah sahih dari surah Al Baqarah dari hadits-hadits dan penjelasan para ulama adalah bahwa surah ini laksana bunga dan cahaya kebahagiaan yang akan datang sebagai pembela dihari kiamat kelak, melindungi dari bencana, mengobati orang gila, setan lari ketika dibacakan, pusaka Arsyi dan ditulis 2000 tahun sebelum penciptaan langit dan bumi.
Selain faedah diatas, mereka yang mengamalkan surah ini tidak akan dikuasai tukang sihir, didalamnya ada 10 ayat yang utama [ruqyah] yang berfungsi sebagai perlindungan dan anti sihir. Nabi Sholallahu alaiyhi wa Sallam bersabda; “Segala sesuatu itu ada puncaknya, dan Al Baqarah ini adalah puncaknya al Qur’an”
Program Ruqyah Mandiri Online [WhatsApp] di Rumah Masing dengan pembinaan langsung ini menargetkan kehancuran berbagai penyakit gangguan jin, sihir, penyakit menahun, penyakit keturunan, gay-lesbian, kecanduan rokok-narkotik, sulit tidur, kangker, penyakit dalam, sulit keturunan, sulit jodoh, dan berbagai penyakit yang tidak terdeteksi medis lainnya.
Alhamdulillah, menurut riset kami selama bulan ramadhan kemarin kepada 200 peserta TA1, kesembuhan rata-rata 70-95% dalam 10 hari pertama. Sudah ratusan testimoni keberhasilan baik di program TA2 dihari pertama, kedua, ketiga atau dihari yang Allah ridha kepada-Nya. Lihat testimoni “Fakta Kesembuhan” teraphy ini di website RehabHati.Com
Sebelum mendaftarkan dirinya, semua wajib memahami 3 point penting sebagai bekal awal untuk bergabung di group yang penuh berkah ini.

1. Wudhu.
Ambil wudhu, shalat 2 rakaat [salat mutlak atau salat sunnah wudhu] untuk memohon pertologan dan kekuatan dari Allah. Bagi wanita haid, cukup wudhu saja setelah kering [untuk membersihkan kotoran darahnya] dan bukan dalam rangka mensucikan diri [merubah status] dari haid menjadi suci. Niatkan bacaan Qur’an ini untuk pengobatan bukan untuk ibadah.
2. Istighfar.
Lakukan istighfar sebanyak 100 kali dengan khusyuk. Mohon ampun kepada Allah atas kemaksiatan yang telah dilakukan, karena setiap kesulitan itu erat kaitannya dengan dosa kita. Kesehatan adalah bagian dari nikmat-Nya. Nikmat itu rahmat, dan Rahmat-Nya tidak akan turun sebelum Allah ampuni kita. Dan kita tidak tahu kapan Allah maafkan kita.
4. Persiapan Tempat. 
Perhatikan dirinya dan sekeliling rumah tempat tinggal. Jika ada benda-benda yang mengandung kesyirikan (azimat, patung, lukisan, benda pusaka) yang masih ada dirumah turunkan dan hancurkan.
5. Mandi Daun Bidara.
Ambil sekitar 21 lembar daun bidara segar, cuci bersih dan lumatkan (uleuk) atau blender hingga benar-benar lembut. Larutkan dengan 1 gelas air bersih, celupkan jari kita dan ruqyahlah (cara, lihat point 6). Jika tidak ada daun bidara, cukup Air putih saja hingga nanti menemukan daun bidara tersebut.
6. Ruqyah Air.
Bacakan surah Al Faatihah 7x, Ayat Kursi (al Baqarah 255) 1x, al Kaafirun 1x, al Ikhlas 10x, al Falaq 3x dan An Nass 3x kepada ‘Air Daun Bidara’ tadi atau air yang mau diruqyah.
7. Mulai Teraphy Al Baqarah.
Tuangkan atau campurkan air bidara tadi dalam satu ember air bersih, duduk menghadap kiblat dan letakan didepan atau disamping kita. Disarankan untuk memulai teraphy Al Baqarah setelah Maghrib. Karena 1 hari dalam tahun Hijriyah, dimulai dari maghrib dan berakhir di Maghrib pula.
8. Cara Teraphy Al Baqarah. 
Bacakan Surah Al Baqarah dari ayat 1 hingga ayat 286. Jika tidak selesai satu kali, lanjutkan diwaktu ba’da shalat berikutnya hingga selesai. Saya anjurkan untuk membaginya menjadi 3 bagian, 100 ayat pertama, 100 ayat berikutnya dan 86 ayat terakhir. Lakukan oleh anda sendiri, semampunya.
9. Mandikan Air Ruqyah.
Setelah selesai baca surah al Baqarah hari pertama, mandikan secara menyeluruh, lakukan sebagai berikut:
– Pertama, mandi secara sempurna dengan air biasa hingga bersih.
– Gunakan satu ember air daun bidara tadi sebagai bilasan terakhir untuk membasuh seluruh tubuh dari kepala hingga kaki, remas-remas diseluruh tubuh dan biarkan hingga ia mengering ditubuh agar meresap dan jadi obat external.
– Dianjurkan mandi langsung setelah selesai satu putaran surah al Baqarah.
– Jika tidak selesai satu putaran hingga Ashar tiba, maka lakukanlah mandi.
– Mandi ini hanya 3 hari pertama.
– Hari selanjutnya cukup letakan 1 liter air, untuk minum dan mandi biasa [sebagai bilasan terakhir].
10. MP3 Ruqyah. 
Selepas mandi, diamlah dirumah hingga ia kering. Sambil menunggu ia kering jangan becanda, bermaksiat atau konsentrasi terhadap hal lain. Dengarkan MP3 Ruqyah, download di sini atau baca/dengar murotal al Qur’an.

Catatan :
Bagi mereka yang belum bisa membaca Al Qur’an sama sekali namun sangat ingin meraih kesembuhan dari gangguan sihir yang dialaminya maka kegiatan membaca surat Albaqarah itu bisa diganti  dengan mendengarkan bacaan murotal surat Al Baqara. 


Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme changes in mood, from mania to depression. Between these mood episodes, a person with bipolar disorder may experience normal moods. Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). 

When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. When your mood shifts to mania or hypomania (less extreme than mania), you may feel euphoric, full of energy or unusually irritable. These mood swings can affect sleep, energy, activity, judgment, behavior and the ability to think clearly.  Episodes of mood swings may occur rarely or multiple times a year. While most people will experience some emotional symptoms between episodes, some may not experience any.

Although bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, you can manage your mood swings and other symptoms by following a treatment plan. In most cases, bipolar disorder is treated with medications and psychological counseling (psychotherapy).

  • Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar affective disorder, is a mood disorder. It used to be called manic depression.
  • Bipolar disorder can cause your mood to swing from an extreme high to an extreme low.
  • Manic symptoms can include increased energy, excitement, impulsive behaviour and agitation.
  • Depressive symptoms can include lack of energy, feeling worthless, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts.
  • You can also have psychotic symptoms. Psychotic symptoms can mean that you see and hear things that feel real but they don’t exist.
  • There are different types of bipolar disorder.
  • We don’t know what causes bi-polar. But it is thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental causes
  • Bipolar disorder is treated with medication or talking therapies.
When you feeling Mania
During a manic phase of bipolar disorder, you may:
  • feel very happy
  • have lots of energy, ambitious plans and ideas
  • spend large amounts of money on things you cannot afford and would not normally want
It's also common to:
  • not feel like eating or sleeping
  • talk quickly
  • become annoyed easily
You may feel very creative and view the manic phase of bipolar as a positive experience.
But you may also experience symptoms of psychosis, where you see or hear things that are not there or become convinced of things that are not true.

Hypomania is like mania but you will have milder symptoms. Treatment for hypomania is similar to the treatment for mania.

Symptoms of depression can include:
  • low mood,
  • having less energy and feeling tired,
  • feeling hopeless or negative,
  • feeling guilty, worthless or helpless,
  • being less interested in things you normally like doing or enjoying them less,
  • difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions,
  • feeling restless or irritable,
  • sleeping too much or not being able to sleep,
  • feeling more or less hungry than usual,
  • losing or gaining weight, when you do not mean to, and
  • thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts.

Sometimes you can have psychotic symptoms during a severe episode of mania or depression. Symptoms of psychosis can be:
  • hallucinations. This means that you may hear, see, or feel things that are not there, and
  • delusions. This means you may believe things that are not true. Other people will usually find your beliefs unusual.
Psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder can reflect your mood. For example, if you have a manic episode you may believe that you have special powers, or are being monitored by the government. If you have depressive episode, you may feel very guilty about something you think you have done. You may feel that you are worse than anybody else or feel that you don't exist.

Causes of bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a common mental health disorder, but it’s a bit of a mystery to doctors and researchers. It’s not yet clear what causes some people to develop the condition and not others.
Possible causes of bipolar disorder include:

If your parent or sibling has bipolar disorder, you’re more likely than other people to develop the condition (see below). However, it’s important to keep in mind that most people who have bipolar disorder in their family history don’t develop it.

Your brain
Your brain structure may impact your risk for the disease. Abnormalities in the structure or functions of your brain may increase your risk.

Environmental factors
It’s not just what’s in your body that can make you more likely to develop bipolar disorder. Outside factors may contribute, too. These factors can include:
  • extreme stress
  • traumatic experiences
  • physical illness
Each of these factors may influence who develops bipolar disorder. What’s more likely, however, is that a combination of factors contributes to the development of the disease.

Bipolar symptoms in women
Men and women are diagnosed with bipolar disorder in equal numbers. However, the main symptoms of the disorder may be different between the two genders. In many cases, a woman with bipolar disorder may:
  • be diagnosed later in life, in her 20s or 30s
  • have milder episodes of mania
  • experience more depressive episodes than manic episodes
  • have four or more episodes of mania and depression in a year, which is called rapid cycling
  • experience other conditions at the same time, including thyroid disease, obesity, anxiety disorders, and migraines
  • have a higher lifetime risk of alcohol use disorder
Women with bipolar disorder may also relapse more often. This is believed to be caused by hormonal changes related to menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. If you’re a woman and think you may have bipolar disorder, it’s important for you to get the facts.

There are several types of bipolar and related disorders. They may include mania or hypomania and depression. Symptoms can cause unpredictable changes in mood and behavior, resulting in significant distress and difficulty in life.
  • Bipolar I disorder. You've had at least one manic episode that may be preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. In some cases, mania may trigger a break from reality (psychosis).
  • Bipolar II disorder. You've had at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode, but you've never had a manic episode.
  • Cyclothymic disorder. You've had at least two years — or one year in children and teenagers — of many periods of hypomania symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms (though less severe than major depression).
  • Other types. These include, for example, bipolar and related disorders induced by certain drugs or alcohol or due to a medical condition, such as Cushing's disease, multiple sclerosis or stroke.

However, many people with bipolar disorder have found the following tools to be helpful in reducing symptoms and maintaining wellness:
  • Talk to a supportive person
  • Get a full eight hours of sleep
  • Cut back on your activities
  • Attend a support group
  • Call your doctor or therapist
  • Do something fun or creative, or write in your journal 
  • Take time for yourself to relax and unwind
  • Increase your exposure to light
  • Exercise
  • Ask for extra help from loved ones
  • Cut back on sugar, alcohol, and caffeine
  • Increase or decrease the stimulation in your environment
  • Develop an active daily routine
  • Keep stress to a minimum
  • Avoid eating junk food

Healthy sleep habits for managing bipolar disorder
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Avoid or minimize napping, especially if it interferes with your sleep at night.
  • Instead of viewing screens or other stimulating activities before bed, try taking a bath, reading a book, or listening to relaxing music.
  • Limit caffeine after lunch and alcohol at night as both interfere with sleep.

The importance of support in bipolar disorder recovery

"People with bipolar disorder do better when they have support from family members and friends. They tend to recover more quickly, experience fewer manic and depressive episodes, and have milder symptoms."


If I experience mood swings does that mean I have bipolar?

"No, everyone has good and not so good days and experiences mood swings."

Bipolar disorder and the family 

Living with a person who has bipolar disorder can cause stress and tension in the home. On top of the challenge of dealing with your loved one’s symptoms and their consequences, family members often struggle with feelings of guilt, fear, anger, and helplessness. Ultimately, the strain can cause serious relationship problems. But there are better ways to cope.
The first step to successfully dealing with bipolar disorder is for families to learn to accept the illness and its difficulties. When you’re feeling frustrated or guilty, remember that bipolar disorder isn’t anyone’s fault. Accepting bipolar disorder involves acknowledging that things may never again be “normal.” Treatment can make a huge difference for your loved one, but it may not take care of all symptoms or impairments. To avoid disappointment and resentments, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Expecting too much of your family member is a recipe for failure. On the other hand, expecting too little can also hinder recovery, so try to find a balance between encouraging independence and providing support.

Supporting a person with bipolar disorder

Sticks and stones can break bones, but words hurt, too. Talking carelessly can shatter self-esteem and stifle a person’s motivation to have a life again. Instead, use statements that are more likely to strengthen relationships and support recovery.

What you can say that helps:
  • “You’re not alone in this. I’m here for you.”
  • “I understand that it’s your illness that causes these thoughts and feelings.”
  • “You may not believe it now, but the way you’re feeling can and will change.”
  • “I may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, but I care about you and want to help and support you.”
  • “You are important to me. Your life is important to me.”
  • “I love you, and I care." or “I’ll be your friend no matter what.”

Common Misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder

In addition to the unwarranted stigma that surrounds bipolar disorder, there are many misconceptions about its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. These are several prevailing myths:
  • Individuals cause their disorder. Bipolar disorder is caused by a complex interplay of genetic, biological and environmental factors.
  • You can will yourself out of mood swings. Left untreated, bipolar disorder can wreak havoc on a person’s life. It requires both medical treatment and psychotherapy.
  • You’ll never be normal. “Many patients in the beginning feel like they won’t be able to accomplish their goals, that bipolar will prevent them from getting married or getting the job of their dreams,” Reilly-Harrington said. She adds that though your life might require certain changes, you can pursue your dreams. For instance, her student patients might take fewer classes every semester and take longer to graduate, but they still achieve a college degree.
  • Bipolar is easy to diagnose. “It’s often very difficult to diagnose bipolar disorder based on an initial visit, even a prolonged one,” said Elizabeth Brondolo, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist specializing in bipolar disorder and professor at St. John’s University in New York. This typically occurs because our self-awareness changes with mood.”It can be hard to translate the experiences and moods you have into the symptoms identified in the DSM or other scales,” said Brondolo, who also co-authored Break the Bipolar Cycle: A Day-to-Day Guide to Living with Bipolar Disorder. For instance, what might appear to you as confidence and clever ideas for a new business venture might be a pattern of grandiose thinking and manic behavior. While you’re focused on your business experience, others notice your mood and behavior, Brondolo said. Same with irritability, a symptom that often goes unrecognized: You’re more focused on feeling frustrated than looking inward. Because you might not be a reliable reporter, talk to your loved ones to get objective impressions, Brondolo said.

Telling Others about Your Diagnosis

Having a support system is critical in successfully managing bipolar disorder. But you might be uncertain about who to tell. According to Reilly-Harrington, be very selective. She emphasizes that it shouldn’t feel like a secret, but you should realize that people’s reactions vary widely. Because many people don’t understand the disorder, patients can feel disappointed after disclosing that they have it.
Many patients, though, do have positive experiences. For one of Brondolo’s patients, who worked in a very supportive environment, telling her boss allowed the patient to be herself and do her job more effectively. 

However, every workplace and family member is different. Brondolo suggests first consulting your therapist or doctor. Also, examine your concerns, Brondolo said. Ask yourself, “What am I worried about?” “How can I potentially be harmed?” Consider turning to support groups to learn about other patients’ experiences, suggests Reilly-Harrington.

If you’re ready to disclose your diagnosis, be straightforward, said Brondolo. It’s helpful to give information about the disorder since myths abound.
